NSI poll: Business sentiment in Bulgaria improves

A regular monthly poll by the National Statistical Institute (NSI) has found that managers see the business climate in Bulgaria as having improved in November, after the equivalent poll a month earlier found slightly gloomier views.

The NSI poll in September had found that managers saw the business climate in Bulgaria as having improved compared with August, after they saw it as having worsened compared with July.

The institute said that in November, the total business climate indicator was up by 3.5 percentage points compared with October, with more optimistic views in all four sectors polled – industry, construction, retail and services.

The industry indicator was up by 0.8 percentage points, with managers taking a more favourable view of the business situation and with more optimistic views of the coming three months.

In the construction sector, the indicator was up by 2.2 percentage points, with managers holding improved expectations about the next six months.

The retail trade indicator was up by 8.7 percentage points, with retailers more optimistic, and with improved forecasts about the volume of sales and orders placed with suppliers over the next three months.

The service sector indicator was up by 5.3 percentage points, with managers positive about current and expected demand for services, the NSI said.

(Photo: Willie Cloete/freeimages.com)

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