Clocks in Bulgaria change to summer daylight saving time at 3am on March 27 2022

Summer daylight saving time starts in Bulgaria on March 27 2022 at 3am, when clocks must be adjusted forward an hour to 4am.

Daylight saving time in Bulgaria starts every year on the last Sunday of March and ends on the last Sunday of October – in 2022, on October 30 – when clocks will again be reset, an hour back – unless, as seems unlikely for the moment, the system changes.

The European Commission said in 2018 that, on the basis of the results of an EU-wide survey, the annual time changes every March and October would be scrapped.

At the time, the Commission proposed that each EU country would give formal notice by April 2019 whether it intended to apply permanent summer or wintertime.

However, that was overtaken when the European Parliament accepted a proposal by the Commission that the change to the system would take effect only as of 2021.

In turn, the issue has slipped from the agenda, with no recent initiative either from the Commission or the European Council, against the background of EU institutions being preoccupied with larger issues such as the Covid-19 crisis and more recently, Russia’s war on Ukraine.

(Photo: Clive Leviev-Sawyer)

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