Super Blue Moon on August 30: Partly cloudy skies over most of Bulgaria
The night of August 30 2023 sees a Super Blue Moon, with forecasts suggesting that the night sky over most of Bulgaria will be partly cloudy, with capital city Sofia set for clear skies.
The moon will not actually be blue – the term is applied to the second of two full moons in a month.
A “Super Moon” is a full moon that occurs within a day or so of perigee, when the moon is closer to the Earth, making it appear almost imperceptibly larger in the sky.
According to Nasa, about 25 per cent of all full moons are supermoons, but only three per cent of full moons are blue moons.
“The time between super blue moons is quite irregular ― it can be as much as 20 years ― but in general, 10 years is the average. The next super blue moons will occur in a pair, in January and March 2037,” Nasa said.
Wednesday night into Thursday morning, August 30 to 31 2023, the planet Saturn, just a few days from its closest and brightest for the year, will appear near the full Super Moon.