Sofia University student protest: ‘We are with you’ anti-government protesters say – Photos

A special rally at 6pm on October 27 drew a crowd of thousands and growing in response to an appeal from Sofia University students occupying the central campus to demand the resignation of the Bulgarian Socialist Party government and early parliamentary elections.

As students participating in the “Occupy” protest that began on October 23 addressed the crowd at the corner outside the main entrance of the university, there were repeated chants from the gathering of “we are with you”.

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Student protest leaders appealed to the crowd to gather regularly daily in support of their campaign.

A minority of hecklers in the crowd were shouted down. A substantial police presence stood near the anti-government protest.

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“People accuse us of preventing people learning,” a student said. “I want to learn but that cannot happen until we are living in a normal country.”

“We want to study here, to live here and have our children in this country, not go wash dishes in another one.”

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(Photos: Clive Leviev-Sawyer)

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