School year opens in Bulgaria, with some anti-epidemic measures in place
More than 700 000 pupils, including 57 000 first-graders, headed to class in Bulgaria on September 15, with some anti-epidemic measures in place until October 14 on the orders of the caretaker Minister of Health.
Caretaker Health Minister Assen Medzhidiev’s order concerning the opening of the school year in Bulgaria does not mandate mask-wearing in class, nor require rapid antigen tests for Covid-19.
Medzhidiev’s order, which covers kindergartens, schools and centres for special educational support, says that in nurseries and kindergartens, work with children should be organised in the same group and with the same staff.
Arrangements for entering the nursery or kindergarten should be such that there is no mixing of children from different groups.
In schools and centres for special educational support, there should be physical distancing between separate classes.
If possible, classes and breaks should start at different times, there should be a two-shift system for in-person classes, a separate classroom for each class and as many entrances to the building as possible should be used.
Meals should be served according to a schedule to prevent crowding of pupils from different classes.
Until October 14, parents meetings in nurseries, kindergartens, schools and centres for special educational support should be held remotely, and if in-person communication is necessary, physical distancing of 1.5 metres should be maintained.
There should be a “filter” in the morning to exclude pupils showing symptoms of Covid-19 or other acute infectious diseases.
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