Travelling time of trains from Sofia to Bulgaria’s Black Sea cities cut
As of June 1, the travelling time of all daily high-speed trains between Sofia and Bourgas via the Sub-Balkan Railway, as well as two high-speed trains between Sofia and Varna via Gorna Oryahovitsa junction, has been reduced, the Transport Ministry said.
According to the ministry, the travelling time from Sofia to Bourgas on high-speed trains has been reduced by 30 minutes, while the travelling time from Bulgaria’s capital city to Varna has been reduced by 55 minutes.
The Transport Ministry said that detailed information about the trains was available at all railway offices and stations in the country, at the information phone line 02/ 931 11 11 or on the official website of Bulgarian state railways BDZ.
In early May, BDZ Passenger Transport reported a 20 per cent increase in revenue in the first quarter of 2022, a result of an increased number of passengers, while BDZ’s cargo division reported a 10 per cent increase in revenue.
BDZ said that it did not envisage an increase in ticket prices, while it said that its improved financial results could enable a gradual increase in the salaries of operating personnel. These envisaged increases would be linked to their performance, it said.
(Photo: BDZ)
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