Poll: Business climate in Bulgaria has worsened
A regular monthly poll by the National Statistical Institute (NSI) has found that managers see the business climate in Bulgaria in August as having worsened compared with July.
The poll in July had found that the business climate in Bulgaria was largely unchanged after the poll in June showed it as seen as slightly improved, after the May poll found gloomier views than in April.
In August 2022, the total business climate indicator dropped by 3.4 percentage points compared with July.
In the industry sector, the indicator was down by 3.4 percentage points, with managers reserved about the current situation and having lowered their expectations about the coming six months.
The retail trade indicator fell by nine percentage points, with retailers reserved about the current situation and gloomy in their outlook about orders placed with suppliers over the next three months.
In the retail sector, the most serious difficulty for the business development continues to be the uncertain economic environment, the poll found.
The indicator in the service sector dropped by one percentage point, with managers holding unfavourable views about the coming six months.
In the construction sector, the indicator was largely unchanged from July, with the current situation seen as favourable, and with managers more optimistic about the next three months.
(Photo: Steve McGrath/freeimages.com)
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