Bulgaria’s Parliament votes two months paid paternity leave

Bulgaria’s Parliament approved on July 28 the second reading of amendments to the Labour Code that provide for fathers of children up to the age of eight to take two months’ paid paternity leave.

The amendments, proposed by the outgoing government, were approved with 114 votes in favour, 13 abstentions and none against.

Fathers will be eligible if they have not taken leave to raise a child younger than two, not having used leave transferred from the mother.

The leave may be used only by those paying social insurance, and will be recognised towards the time counted as work experience.

The leave may be taken all at once, or in parts.

The father or step-parent who wants to take the paternity leave must notify his employer at least 10 days in advance.

An explanatory memorandum attached to the bill said that the measure may have a positive impact on the balanced participation of parents in the upbringing and education of the child in a family environment.

The changes introduce the requirements of European directives on the “work-life balance of parents and carers”.

(Photo: parliament.bg)

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