Bulgaria’s Varna district to step up measures against Covid-19
A new order for the introduction of additional measures against the spread of Covid-19 has been prepared by the regional health inspectorate in Varna, Bulgarian National Radio said on July 28.
The draft order will be sent to the Ministry of Health for approval and will enter into force on August 1.
The measures include the wearing of protective masks in enclosed spaces, including urban and intercity transport, stations, public institutions, cinemas and theatres.
An exception to the use of a mask is allowed for staff and customers in eating and drinking establishments, gyms, as well as during speeches during seminars, conferences, subject to physical distancing of 1.5 m.
The RZI called for compliance with the recommended distance of 1.5m between people, the placing of disinfectants at the entrances and exits of enclosed premises and good hygiene.
Varna previously announced anti-Covid measures including the mandatory wearing of protective masks in health care facilities and pharmacies.
The district of Varna has the highest Covid-19 morbidity rate in Bulgaria, at 444.72 per 100 000 population on a 14-day basis, according to the July 28 report posted on the unified information portal. It is one of 14 out of 28 districts in Bulgaria classified as a Covid-19 red zone.
It crossed the threshold to be classified as a red zone on July 16, when the district’s morbidity rate was 251.38 per 100 000 population on a 14-day basis.
(Photo: Clive Leviev-Sawyer)
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