Bulgaria had lowest consumption per capita in the EU in 2017 – Eurostat

Consumption per capita in Bulgaria in 2017 was 54 per cent of the European Union average, the lowest in the bloc, according to figures released on December 13 by EU statistics office Eurostat.

Actual Individual Consumption (AIC) is a measure of material welfare of households.

Across the EU countries in 2017, AIC per capita expressed in Purchasing Power Standards (PPS) varied from 54 per cent of the EU average in Bulgaria to 132 per cent in Luxembourg, Eurostat said.

The data is based on revised purchasing power parities, and the latest GDP and population figures, the statistics office said.

Ten EU countries recorded AIC per capita above the EU average in 2017.

The highest level in the EU was recorded in Luxembourg, 32 per cent above the EU average, ahead of Germany (22 per cent above). They were followed by Austria, Denmark and the United Kingdom, which recorded levels around 15 per cent and 20 per cent above the EU average, and Belgium, Finland, the Netherlands, Sweden and France with levels around 10 per cent above the EU average.

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(Photo: Tony Powell/sxc.hu)

