Leaders of Bulgaria, Greece, Romania, Serbia meet in Bucharest on April 24

The third high-level quadrilateral meeting of the leaders of Greece, Bulgaria, Romania and Serbia is being held in Bucharest on April 24 2018.

The first such meeting was held in Varna in October 2017, and the second in Belgrade, in December the same year. The third had been planned for March 2018, but the resignation of the Romanian Prime Minister Mihai Tudose in January 2018 and his replacement by Vasilica-Viorica Dăncilă led to it being postponed to April 24.

Those attending are Romanian premier Vasilica-Viorica Dăncilă, her Greek counterpart Alexis Tsipras, Bulgarian PM Boiko Borissov and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic.

The co-ordination of the four states ahead of the EU-Western Balkans Summit that will be held in Sofia, the capital of the EU’s presiding country, Bulgaria for the first half of 2018, on May 17 2018, will be at the heart of the four leaders’ talks.

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(Photo: Florin Garoi)

