Film review: Ride Along 2

Ride Along 2 was never going to be Oscar material, but that is not just because its lead characters are black. The sequel to the hit film from 2014 sees Ice Cube and Kevin Hart make a return to the big screen as the cop duo whose misadventures miraculously never get them killed.

Actually, that is an unfair assessment. Ice Cube, who plays detective James Peyton, is cool as ice throughout, making Ben Barber (Hart) look all the more foolish for running his mouth non-stop and getting them into situations that they would be better off avoiding. The two form an amusing pair, with strong performance by both leads, but the comedy turns into farce a little too often.

Unfortunately, Ride Along 2’s editing lets it down big-time. The turmoil starts early on, when one of the film’s first actions scene is unexpectedly interrupted by the opening credits, which pop up every now and then to underscore a beat by transforming an action into slow motion and plastering a credit across the screen.

To read the full review, please visit The Prague Post.

(Still of Ice Cube and Kevin Hart in Ride Along 2. Photo by Quantrell D. Colbert – © Universal Pictures)

