Film review: Trainwreck

Trainwreck is an orgy of bad manners masquerading as a life lesson. Its director is Judd Apatow, who has managed to shape unorthodox comedic material into palatable entertainment with multiple forays into this genre, in particular the badly hyphenated The 40 Year Old Virgin and the crude but sometimes perceptive Knocked Up.

It features Amy Schumer as Amy, a woman whose father told her at a young age that “monogamy isn’t realistic,” advice she took to heart by being a promiscuous weed smoker incapable of forming a lasting relationship. At least, that is the perception at the outset, and for the first half of the film, the relationship she has with her father — realistically ambiguous, beset with love and anger — is central to understanding why she is so focused on being single for the rest of her life.

Actually, she is not really single, as she is dating a hulking mass of muscle that bears an uncanny resemblance to Mark Wahlberg but is also the last person in the world to realize he does not like women. In the meantime, she is hooking up with other guys, seemingly without feeling she is doing anything wrong. In fact, in all likelihood she is not doing anything wrong, except for omitting to tell her gay boyfriend that she views the relationship as non-exclusive.

But the film takes a seriously silly turn into the world of fairy tales when we are expected to believe that she will change her ways once she meets Mr. Right, who is this case is a nerdy sports doctor named Aaron (Bill Hader), who has been with three women in his life and is now the focus of an article Amy, a journalist of sorts, is writing.

To read the full review, visit The Prague Post. Trainwreck goes on wide release in Bulgaria on August 7.

(Still of Bill Hader and Amy Schumer in Trainwreck. © 2015 – Universal Pictures)

