US ambassador hosts reception in honour of launch of The Sofia Globe

United States ambassador to Bulgaria James Warlick hosted a reception on June 13 2012 in honour of the launch of The Sofia Globe, Bulgaria’s newest English-language news, analysis and features website.

At the reception, at which presentations were also given by two of the other English-language media in Bulgaria, Vagabond and, Warlick spoke of the importance of independent and informed journalism, and of accurate and balanced presentation in the media about Bulgaria.

Addressing guests, The Sofia Globe’s Editor-in-Chief, Clive Leviev-Sawyer, outlined the high ideals that the Globe had set itself in its Editorial Charter and expressed great thanks to all of those who had – through advertising, their journalism or in other forms of moral and material support, done so much to get the project underway.

Guests included Christine Milner of In Your Pocket Bulgaria and Sofia the Insider’s Guide,    Vesey Crichton of Cleves, Stefan Dimitrov of Allied Pickfords, Mark Thomas of Jamadvice, Jacques Brune of the Hilton Sofia, Bill Drysdale of the British Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce, American Chamber of Commerce in Bulgaria executive director Valentin Georgiev, South African ambassador Sheila Camerer and Alex Camerer, Ken Lefkowitz of New Europe Corporate Advisory, Empower United Foundation chairman Thomas Higgins and many other leaders from the corporate and media world.

The Sofia Globe thanks all its advertisers, supporters and partners, including Koos Schouten and the Webfactory team, Kreston Bulmar and Trust Global Radio.

(Photos: Hristina Dimitrova)



The Sofia Globe staff

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