August 2024 in Bulgaria one of hottest since modern record-keeping began

August 2024 has been one of the warmest Augusts in Bulgaria since modern record-keeping began in 1930, Bulgaria’s national weather bureau said on August 30.

Average temperatures were between one and four degrees Celsius above the norm.

The highest measured temperature was 41.6 degrees Celsius on August 14 in Novachene in the Pleven district.

In Bulgaria’s capital city Sofia, the highest measured temperature was 36.7 degrees C on August 15.

This is one of the driest Augusts in Bulgaria in the past 10 years, the national weather bureau said.

In most of the country, the monthly amounts of precipitation were between two and 50 per cent of the climatic norm.

In a large part of Eastern Bulgaria and the mountain massifs of southern Bulgaria, the monthly amounts of precipitation were between 50 and 150 per cent of the climatic norm.

The largest measured 24-hour amount of precipitation was 112mm of rain in the village of Durankulak in the Dobrich district, on August 30.

Hail was recorded on six days of the month, the most on August 21 at 11 weather stations.

At the beginning of August 2024, sunny and hot weather prevailed, with maximum temperatures between 33 and 38 degrees.

Most days of the second 10-day period over most of the country were mostly sunny and hot, with the highest maximum temperatures, between 36 and 41 degrees, recorded on August 13, 14 and 15.

From August 23 to 25, the weather was mostly sunny and hot.

The prolonged hot and dry weather in August increased the risk of wildfires.

In many places in the country, the fires were a result of agricultural activity and human negligence.

Lightning was the cause of several forest fires, the weather bureau said.

As to farming condition, in almost all regions of the country, productive soil moisture reserves have been exhausted.

In August, the water levels of rivers in the country were below the average water thresholds and around the low water thresholds.

As a result of rainfall on August 3, rises were recorded in the Yantra River catchment by up to 32cm, and in the period August 19–21 rises were registered in the Western Aegean Sea Basin – by up to 52cm on the Struma River, and in the Eastern Aegean Sea Basin – by up to 93cm on the Arda River.

During the month, the Fakiyska River in the area of ​​Zidarovo village and the Ropotamo River in the area of ​​Veselie village dried up.

(Photo: Clive Leviev-Sawyer)

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