Bulgaria puts shipwrecked Vera Su up for auction

Bulgaria’s Maritime Administration agency has put up for auction the Vera Su, the vessel that was stranded on the rocks near Kamen Bryag on the country’s Black Sea coast for more than a month in 2021.

The starting bid price is $460 000, the agency said in a notice on its website.

The notice described the Vera Su as unserviceable because of significant deformations and tears of the hull and bow, unserviceable power equipment and machinery.

Former Transport Minister Nikolai Subev said that the cost of transporting the Vera Su from the place where it was stranded to a berth in Varna was close to three million leva.

The deadline for applications to participate in the auction is 5.30pm on September 27. To participate, a potential bidder must deposit 10 per cent of the opening bid.

The auction will be held at 11am on September 28 in the Maritime Administration Varna building.

Further details are available in Bulgaria at the Maritime Administration’s website.

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