Bulgaria to ban export of wood to non-EU countries
Caretaker Agriculture Minister Yavor Gechev said in a television interview on August 17 that he would issue an order later in the day to ban the export of wood from Bulgaria to non-EU countries.
“There are many problems in agriculture – now we have a shortage of timber,” Gechev told bTV.
He said that because of the prices of fuel, demand for wood had increased threefold.
According to the report, while a year ago the price of a cubic metre of firewood was 90 to 100 leva, in Sofia it had reached a current 180 leva a cubic metre.
Gechev said that he had held talks on August 16 with two of Bulgaria’s large lumber processors.
He said that they had said that they would participate in the plan, reducing the amount of wood they buy so that the state could meet the practical needs of the population.
“We are starting with the greatest needs of those on the lists of those assisted by the Social Policy Ministry,” Gechev said.
(Photo: humusak2/freeimages.com)
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