Poll: Consumer confidence in Bulgaria rises

In July 2022, Bulgaria’s total consumer confidence indicator increased by three percentage points compared with April, the National Statistical Institute (NSI) said on August 5, reporting the findings of a regular three-monthly poll.

The increase was mainly due to the increased confidence among the urban population, the NSI said.

In August 2021, the NSI said that the consumer confidence indicator had risen by 3.5 percentage points. In November, it was reported to have fallen by 10.8 percentage points, in February it was reported to have risen by 1.7 percentage points and in May, to have risen by 4.9 percentage points.

The NSI said in its latest report said that consumers’ opinions about the development of the general economic situation in Bulgaria over the past 12 months and their expectations about the next 12 months were less negative compared with the previous poll.

Consumers expected that unemployment in Bulgaria would remain largely the same as in April over the next 12 months.

They had an unfavourable view of the change in consumer prices over the past 12 months, the NSI said.

However, their inflation expectations about the next 12 months are less intense, the institute said.

The latest poll found a slightly more positive attitude in the consumers’ intentions regarding spending on major purchases of durable goods and home improvements over the next 12 months, the NSI said.

(Photo: Clive Leviev-Sawyer)

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