Bulgaria’s biggest open-air ice rink to open in Plovdiv on December 1

The largest ice rink in Bulgaria will open on Central Square outside the Military Club in the city of Plovdiv on December 1, the municipality said.

Even larger than the 2019 version, the open-air ice rink will have an area of 2000 square metres.

Plovdiv’s ice rink will be open daily from 10am to 10pm.

The entrance fee will be eight leva, with two leva for skate hire.

There will be free lessons for beginners every Saturday and Sunday morning, and discount cards will be available for regular customers.

To limit the spread of Covid-19, skates will be disinfected after each use, and no more than 50 per cent of the capacity of the ice rink will be used.

(Photo: Plovdiv municipality)

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