Bulgaria’s Traffic Police caught 17 123 motorists speeding in four-day operation

In a four-day operation between May 22 and 25, Bulgaria’s Traffic Police caught 17 123 motorists speeding, the Interior Ministry said on May 29.

The four-day operation was held as Bulgaria had a three-day weekend because of the May 25 special public holiday.

In all, the patrols found 14 416 “violations”, the ministry said, adding that breaking the speed limit accounted for the largest number.

A total of 1224 involved failing to comply with road markings or road signs, while 1178 drivers and passengers were fined for failing to wear seat belts.

In the course of the operation, 178 motorists were caught driving without a licence, 89 were drink-driving and 29 were behind the wheel after using illegal narcotics.

In all, 32 200 motor vehicles and 40 913 drivers and passengers were checked, Chief Inspector Nikolay Krusharski of the Traffic Police said.

As of May 29, Traffic Police are starting a new operation, checking for breaking of traffic laws in Bulgaria’s small towns and villages.

Priorities in the operation are acting against aggressive behaviour on the road, improper overtaking, drink-driving and driving after using drugs.

Krusharski said that there had been complaints from mayors about parents allowing their minor children to drive.

Traffic Police would also monitor drinking establishments to check for motorists getting behind the wheel after consuming alcohol, he said.

(Archive photo: Bulgaria’s Interior Ministry press centre)

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