Hungary has granted asylum to former Macedonia’s former PM Gruevski, he says

“Today the Republic of Hungary, an EU and Nato member country, approved my previously submitted request for political asylum for political persecution in the Republic of Macedonia. In the request for political asylum I stated that I am applying for it due to political persecution by the new government led by the SDSM party. I have learned that the government wants to take my freedom away using undemocratic steps and methods and abusing the prosecutorial and judicial system in Macedonia,” Nikola Gruevski said on Facebook after Hungary reportedly granted asylum to the former prime minister who fled to Budapest after being sentenced to prison for abuse of power.

‘The Immigration Authority concluded that if Gruevski returned home, his political past and stance, as well as accusations made against him by the new government, could make him subject to official persecution,” Hungarian daily Magyar Idok said.

Neither the Hungarian nor the Republic of Macedonia’s government has thus far confirmed that Gruevski was granted political asylum.

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