EU introduces new measures to combat ‘low-tech’ terrorism
The EU has announced more than 180 million euro will be dedicated to stopping terrorist attacks by smaller, less complex cells. After a series of attacks around Europe, the bloc is aiming to make public spaces safer.
As Belgium commemorated victims of terrorism, so many of those on its own soil after the “Islamic State”-linked bombings of 2016, in a Brussels wreath-laying ceremony on Wednesday, the European Union announced its latest plan to prevent more such murders.
A day after Raqqa was taken back from IS fighters, European Security Commissioner Julian King said the terror group’s loss of territory in the Middle East doesn’t mean it will weaken its grip on other battlegrounds: namely, the internet and Europe. “I think we have to face up the fact that we’re not going to be able to stop terrorist attacks – we can’t deliver zero risk,” he told a conference on counter-terrorism in Brussels. “But what we can do is make it harder and harder for those who are seeking to cause us harm by closing down the space in which they seek to operate, by closing down loopholes they seek to exploit, whether that’s in terms of limiting their movements, limiting their means, limiting their funding.”
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