Bulgaria’s Zlatitsa sets January 12 temperature record at minus 25 deg C – colder than the North Pole
The Western Bulgarian town of Zlatitsa set a temperature record for recent days of minus 25 degrees Celsisus on January 12 – meaning that it was colder than the minus 21 recorded at the North Pole the same day, while the South Pole was just a wee bit chillier, at minus 26.
Other towns rivalling Zlatitsa in the market for the need for woolly warmers on January 12 were Knezha, at minus 23, as well as Pernik, Sevlievo and Dermantsi.
In Bulgaria’s capital Sofia, the early morning temperature on Thursday was recorded officially as minus 17 degrees Celsius, though some weather websites put it as minus 21.
Zlatitsa, however, cannot hold a candle to the absolute record for low temperatures on January 12 – that is held by Russia’s Yakutiya, where the thermometer recorded minus 46 degrees.
(All photos, taken in Sofia on January 12 2017: (c) Clive Leviev-Sawyer)