Orbán: I love this country, and I do not want to see anyone change it under orders from outside
The Hungarian Prime Minister offers his views on the European Union’s problems, the US election, exporting democracy, a new cold war, the V4, a corruption case, the 2006 riots, the political opposition and – of course, first and foremost – migrants and the referendum.
What will be the Hungarian referendum’s consequences in the European Union? What steps do you plan to take on the day after the referendum – on 3 October? This was mentioned in your most recent radio interview, and since then the press is full of speculation. What can you say about it?
If I had wanted to say what must be done after the referendum, I would have told you. I didn’t say because I didn’t want to. I didn’t want to because it would be premature, since the referendum result will determine the direction in which we set out. We should not be thinking now about the post-referendum period, but be dealing with “first things first”, as they say. The referendum should come first. If it is decisive and convincing, then the steps which follow will be different from those which would have followed had it been feeble. Therefore speculation is meaningless now. But of course the referendum has – and will have – legal implications.
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