European Commission: Relocation of refugees from Greece and Italy is slow
According to the latest European Commission progress report on the refugee crisis, the relocation process of refugees into EU countries from Greece and Italy is moving at a very slow pace. The number of relocations has increased – a fact the Commission acknowledges as being positive – however it is far behind the target member-states have committed to.
Specifically, during the reporting period, between June 14 and July 11, the number of relocations increased by 776 people, bringing the total number of persons resettled in other EU member states to 3056 (2213 from Greece and 843 from Italy), with Croatia participating in the program for the first time.
“While this is a positive development and shows that Member States increased their efforts, it still falls far short of the proposed Commission aim to migrate 6000 people each month. Member states have not yet fulfilled their commitments under the Council decisions on relocation” the European Commission notes.
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(Photo: J Owens/VOA)