Romanian TV presenter’s comments spark fury in Moldova
A protest was held on January 15 by a Romanian-Moldovan association in front of the B1 TV station in central Bucharest after one of the station’s presenters raised a wave of criticism and indignation with offensive remarks against Moldovan people and politicians.
In his press review late night show, Radu Banciu said last week that Moldovan PM Iurie Leanca is a “nobody”. He then went on to denigrate the Moldovan people. “Generally, Moldova is just like a Romanian gypsy who begs on the Champs-Elysees. This is Moldova. A peasant or a gypsy, as you wish, who has done nothing else but to beg before Romania ever since we can remember,” Banciu said.
B1 TV was fined 10 000 lei (about 2200 euro) by the state audio-visual regulator CAN after these comments were deemed discriminatory.
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