Bulgarian – Greek border blockade ‘will lose tourist industry 50 million euro’
If the blockade of the Bulgarian – Greek border planned by Bulgarian lorry drivers over the Orthodox Easter holidays goes ahead, the tourism industry will lose about 100 million leva (about 50 million euro), the head of the Association of Bulgarian Tour Operators and Travel Agents Baiko Baikov said on April 22.
The lorry drivers announced the blockade, from April 29 to May 8, in retaliation for the Greek farmers’ blockades at the Bulgarian border in February.
Given Greece’s popularity as a tourism destination for Bulgarians, the timeframe from the Easter holidays through the May 6 date that Bulgaria celebrates St George’s day was chosen deliberately to hurt the Greek economy.
Already, Bulgaria’s Road Infrastructure Agency has made some suggestions should Bulgarian motorists still want to try reaching Greece in spite of the blockade by the Union of Bulgarian Carriers.
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