Pressure mounting on Greece to reach agreement with creditors
Greece’s government told its creditors it will run out of money on April 9, Reuters news agency has reported, claiming that Athens made an appeal for more loans before reforms on which new disbursements hinge. The appeal, at a teleconference of euro zone deputy finance ministers last Wednesday, was turned down, the report claimed.
The Greek government has denied the Reuters report, with the finance ministry saying in a statement that “the anonymous report undermines European institutions”.
Earlier Thursday, finance minister Yanis Varoufakis hit out at Wednesday’s leaking of his 26-page reform plan, submitted to the Brussels Group. Speaking in parliament, Varoufakis told MPs that the disclosure was not acceptable, and blamed Greece’s creditors for passing the information to the Financial Times.
“This is not our choice, we must ensure confidentiality”, he told MPs.
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(Photo of Varoufakis: German Federal Ministry of Finance, Jörg Rüger)