Working groups begin preparations for 2018 Bulgarian presidency of EU

Five thematic working groups will carry out initial preparations for the Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of the European Union in the second half of 2018, a government media statement said. This was decided on February 23 at a meeting of the Council for European Affairs.

Besides Deputy Prime Minister Meglena Kouneva, responsible for co-ordinating the preparation for the Presidency, the meeting was attended by ministers Bojidar Loukarsky, Vezhdi Rashidov, Veselin Vuchkov, Vladislav Goranov, Desislava Taneva, Nikolai Nenchev, and Temenuzhka Petkova, as well as deputy ministers of the remaining ministries.

The five working groups are: Administrative Capacity; Infrastructure, Logistics and Security; Communication Strategy and Cultural Program; Financing and Public Procurement; Presidency Priorities and Program. They will include representatives of different ministries and will prepare the various work programs for the Presidency.

“The Presidency is a lot of work and a national task requiring the efforts of all ministries,” Kouneva said during the meeting. She said that a decision should be taken on whether the events would be held only in Sofia, or in several other cities. “The latter option will advertise the country more and will be beneficial for tourism, but is costlier,” she said.

To read the full story, click here.

(Photo: Clive Leviev-Sawyer)

