Serbia lobbying for accession talks with the EU to start in December
European Union’s strict conditions regarding the accession negotiations with Serbia are the consequence of several factors, such as Europe’s harsh economic crisis, EU`s citizens reservation toward the further enlargement process and the experiences with regard to previous enlargements, Serbia’s chief EU negotiator Tanja Miščević said in an interview with Danas daily.
Miščević and Branko Ružić, Serbia’s minister in charge for EU affairs, have visited London and Berlin in order to “secure as good as possible negotiating framework and the start of the talks until the end of December”, Miščević said.
At EU’s June summit, European leaders have recommended the accession negotiations with Serbia to start “at the latest in January”.
According to Miščević, during the talks in London and Berlin, she and Ružić did not requeste any easing of conditions for Serbia; at the same time, she emphasised that conditions for the accession are not strict “because of Serbia itself”.
Miščević confirmed that Serbia’s goal was for the EU intergovernmental conference – which marks the formal start of negotiations – to be held on December 22 2013.
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(Photo: Jonathan Davis/