Poll: 22% of Bulgarians believe country’s economic situation will improve in next 12 months
Twenty-two per cent of Bulgarians believe that the country’s economic situation will improve in the coming 12 months, 35 per cent believe that it will stay the same and 31 per cent believe that it will worsen, according to a Eurbarometer survey, the results of which were released on July 10.
Those who believe Bulgaria’s economic situation will improve in the next 12 months were up by one percentage point compared with the Eurobarometer poll results in January-February, those who believe it would stay the same were up by three percentage points, and those who see it worsening dropped by six percentage points.
Seventy-nine per cent of Bulgarians polled saw the country’s economic situation as bad, down one percentage point compared with the February poll. Fourteen per cent said that the economic situation in Bulgaria was good, unchanged from the January-February poll results.
Asked if they supported a European economic and monetary union with one single currency, the euro, 40 per cent said yes, up by four percentage points compared with the February poll, 46 per cent said no, down three percentage points, and 14 per cent were undecided, down by one percentage point.
In the euro area, support for the single currency remains very high (78 per cent vs. 17 per cent), while it is slightly lower for the EU as a whole (71 per cent vs. 23 per cent), Eurostat said.
Given a list of concerns, Bulgarians named their top two as rising inflation and cost of living (60 per cent), and 31 per cent the economic situation.
The poll was done from May 31 to June 18 by interviewing 1028 adult Bulgarians, Eurobarometer said.
(Photo: Clive Leviev-Sawyer)
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