Bulgarian embassy in Ukraine’s capital resumes operations

The Bulgarian embassy in Kyiv, Ukraine, has resumed operations as of September 12 2022, the Foreign Ministry in Sofia said, describing this as a further sign of the strong Bulgarian support for Ukraine.

“Our country, which continues to provide all possible assistance to Ukraine, including its citizens displaced by the war, categorically condemns Russian military aggression and supports the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders, including territorial waters,” Bulgaria’s Foreign Ministry said.

The Bulgarian embassy in Kyiv will be headed by a chargé d’affaires and will work with a limited staff, the statement said.

At this stage, the consular service at the embassy, which also has a reduced team, will resume its activity, performing a limited range of services, and the idea is to operate after the complete restoration of the communication channels with Bulgaria, the Foreign Ministry said.

(Photo: Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

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