Part of missile washes up on Bulgarian beach

Part of a missile washed up on a beach between Pomorie and Aheloy in south-eastern Bulgaria.

The missile was spotted on the afternoon of July 21 by tourists from a nearby hotel, who reported the find to emergency number 112.

Bulgarian media quoted Bulgarian Navy commander Admiral Kiril Mihailov as saying on July 22 that the object was the first-stage booster of anti-aircraft missile.

It was completely harmless and was part of a missile that fell into the sea, Mihailov was quoted as saying.

Mihailov said that the military had responded to more than 30 such cases. Only one involved an explosive substance and had been destroyed.

A team from the Atiya naval base had collected the object for disposal, Bulgarian National Radio said.

Bulgarian media said that experts had identified the object as a first-stage booster of a Pantsir air defence system 57E6 missile, which is in service with the Russian military.

A week ago, the Bulgarian Navy said that remnants of a munition had been found in the sea 5.5 sea miles east of Kamen Bryag. The object was not explosive but was a navigational hazard and a warning to mariners had been issued.

(Photo: Ines Zheleva via Facebook)

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