Greek opposition slams Tsipras – Zaev deal on name ‘Republic of North Macedonia’

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, after informing the President of the Republic, Prokopis Pavlopoulos, made a televised speech in which he said, inter alia:

“A few hours ago and after many months of persistent negotiations, we were able to reach an agreement with the Prime Minister of fYROM to resolve our longstanding dispute over the name of the neighbour.

“I would like to inform you that in order to establish constructive co-operation relations and sincere friendship among our peoples and so that Greece not only accepts but also takes the lead in the European and Euro-Atlantic prospects of our neighbours, they have agreed to change their constitutional name for all uses and for everyone.

They agreed to rename their country to the Republic of Severna Makedonija.

The change in the name will be realized both in terms of their international and bilateral relations, but also in the interior.

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(Photo: Clive Leviev-Sawyer)

