Ukraine reaches deal to receive coal supplies during winter

Coal-short Ukraine has secured 1.3 million tons of coal supplies a month to avoid the power blackouts during the winter period, said Energy Minister Volodymyr Demchyshyn during the Dec. 31 news conference.

Of that amount, 300 000 tons will go to the state-run electricity producer Centrenergo, while billionaire Rinat Akhmetov’s DTEK will purchase a further one million tons.

“We are negotiating with Australia, South Africa, Kazakhstan and Russia over securing the coal supplies,” said Demchyshyn. “Maybe, even Poland will supply some, but Polish coal is expensive and it’s not of an anthracite type, which is a sort we need. There’s no anthracite produced in the European Union.”

For the full story, please visit The Kyiv Post.

(Photo: John Nyberg)

