Bulgarian MPs pass Labour Code amendments on interns

Bulgaria’s Parliament passed at second reading on March 12 amendments to the country’s Labour Code that, for the first time, regulates internships and the relationship between employers and interns.

The amended Labour Code stipulates that only people aged under 29 with no previous experience in their field of study can be hired as interns.

Employers are required to sign a labour contract with the intern, which has to be for a period between six months and one year. Such an internship contract can be signed only once with the same person, according to the amendments.

Since the goal of an internship is to acquire “practical skills in [the intern’s] chosen field of study,” the employers have to designate a mentor – another employee with a similar profession to that of the intern, who has to have at least three years of experience in that field – or serve as mentors themselves.

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(Photo: Adam Fagen/flickr.com)

