Two killed, 30 injured as armed men storm government buildings in Crimea

Ukraine’s acting interior minister Arsen Avakov put police and security forces on alert after buildings of the Crimean parliament and administration were seized just before dawn on February 27 by an unknown armed group.

Two persons were killed and more than 30 people were injured in clashes on February 26-27. Thousands gathered in front of the parliament building with crowds split between those supporting the new government appointed by parliament in Kyiv and those calling for integration with Russia.

The buildings of the Crimean council of ministers and the Crimean parliament were seized by an unknown group of 120 armed men at around 4am, according to Crimea prime minister Anatoly Mogilyov, the nation’s former interior minister and a longtime loyalist of ousted president Viktor Yanukovch.

UDAR lawmaker Serhiy Kunitsyn said the men were professionally trained individuals with automatic weapons.

To read the full story, visit The Kyiv Post.

(Crimea’s parliament building in Simferopol. Photo: TheFlyingDutchman/Wikimedia Commons)

