What’s On: Balkan Rakia Fest in Sofia from October 24 to 26
A Balkan Rakia Fest is being held at the National Palace of Culture, NDK, in Sofia from October 24 to 26 2013.
Rakia is the traditional form of brandy distilled from grapes, plums and a variety of other fruit.
According to organisers, one of the main objectives of the Balkan Rakia Fest is to preserve, promote and develop the traditions of producing and consuming quality rakia while helping to reduce consumption of fakes that are harmful to people’s health.
The festival features not only tastings but also workshops, presentations and master classes, as well as special offers by the large number of rakia-producing firms from Bulgaria. Other countries and drinks represented at the festival include ouzo from Greece, raki from Turkey and spirits from Serbia and Macedonia. In all, more than 150 brands will be represented.
The Balkan Rakia Fest is supported by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, the National Vine and Wine Chamber, the Small and Medium Enterprises Promotion Agency, Union of Oenologists of Bulgaria and the Fruit and Vegetable Producers Union.
The festival will be open from 11am to 7.30pm, with admission costing seven leva. No admission to under-18s.
(Photo: Irina Ignatova/sxc.hu)