Harsher criminal code adopted by Hungary
Hungary’s parliament has approved a new criminal code, which came into effect on July 1 2012.
Justice Ministry state secretary Róbert Répássy said the code, which will replace the current 1979 legislation, is “just” and would “restore order in Hungary and improve citizens’ sense of security”.
The law was approved on Monday by 243 votes. MPs from the opposition Socialist MSZP and the green LMP voted against and those from far-right Jobbik abstained. Socialist MP Gergely Bárándy said before the vote that the MSZP approves of 90 per cent of the provisions, but would not vote in favour because the party does not agree with the government’s policy of harsher penalties for first-time and petty offenders.
For the full story, please visit The Budapest Times
(Photo: Miguel Saavedra)