EC opens new infringement case against Bulgaria on climate plan inaction
The European Commission said on December 21 that it opened a new infringement case against Bulgaria for failing to update its national energy and climate plan.
The announcement, made as part of the Commission’s latest infringements package, said that the deadline for submitting an updated plan was June 30, but Bulgaria was one of three EU member states that are yet to do so.
“National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs) are crucial tools for ensuring that the EU is on track for achieving its 2030 energy and climate targets for greenhouse gas emission reductions, renewable energy and energy efficiency and to design appropriate underpinning policies,” the EC said.
The Commission’s letter of formal notice gives Bulgaria two months to respond, or the EC could escalate the case by sending a reasoned opinion, the second stage in the infringement proceedings.
(Photo: Photo: Sébastien Bertrand)