US, Bulgaria sign deal on combating disinformation
The United States and Bulgaria signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on September 25 that increases cooperation to counter foreign information manipulation, the US State Department said.
The MOU – signed by Under Secretary of State for Public Affairs and Public Diplomacy Liz Allen and Bulgarian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Mariya Gabriel – provides a strong foundation for both countries to work together against the spread of disinformation and media manipulation, an increasing threat in Central and Eastern Europe, the statement said.
“The MOU signals a commitment by the United States and Bulgaria to develop a shared approach to better understanding foreign disinformation and building collaborative mechanisms to counteract its threat,” it said.
“The United States and Bulgaria recognize that authoritarian governments manipulate information and spread disinformation to influence people around the world.”
The statement said that the MOU “demonstrates the commitment of the United States and Bulgaria to work together, and with like-minded nations, to counteract information manipulation”.
This cooperation includes national policy making, support for civil society, and multilateral engagement.
The MOU signing ceremony concluded the Second US Bulgaria Strategic Dialogue, held at the State Department on September 25, and marked the 120th anniversary of the start of diplomatic relations between the United States and Bulgaria.
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