Bulgaria and France tied in second place in EU exports of skis and showboards in 2021

Across EU countries, the largest exporter of skis and snowboards to both EU and extra-EU countries in 2021 was Austria, with more than a third of the exports (2 029 000 pairs of skis and individual snowboards, or 35 per cent), followed by France (648 700, 11 per cent) and Bulgaria (630 800, 11 per cent), EU statistics agency Eurostat said on January 5.

Compared with 2020, Austria recorded a decrease of five per cent, Bulgaria an increase of 12 per cent and France had the largest increase at 18 per cent, Eurostat said.

When it came to exports to non-EU countries, about two-fifths of EU pairs of skis and individual snowboards were sent to the United States (937 000, or 41 per cent of total extra-EU exports of skis and snowboards). This was ahead of Canada (326 100, 14 per cent) and Norway (288 000, 13 per cent). 

In 2021, EU countries produced 3.6 million pairs of skis and individual snowboards (+3 per cent compared with 2020). Almost half of these items (1.6 million) were produced by Austria. 

With regards to trade, around 3.5 million pairs of skis and individual snowboards were exported to other EU countries.

In the same year, the EU exported 2.3 million pairs of skis and individual snowboards to non-EU countries, and imported 0.8 million of the same items from non-EU countries. 

In 2021, the largest EU importer to both EU and extra-EU countries was Austria, which accounted for a third of imports (1 420 200 pairs of skis and individual snowboards imported, or 33 per cent), followed by France (823 400 items, 19 per cent) and Germany (405 100 items, nine per cent).

When it came to imports from non-EU countries, more than two-fifths of skis and individual snowboards originated from China (329 800 items, or 42 per cent of total extra-EU imports of skis and snowboards), followed by Ukraine (152 000, 19 per cent) and Russia (69 400, nine per cent), Eurostat said.

(Photo: Lance Nelson of Bansko App)

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