Less than 11 per cent of Bulgarians said their household income in 2021 was higher than 2020
Just 10.9 per cent of the population of Bulgaria said that their household income in 2021 was higher than in 2020, European Union statistics agency Eurostat said on November 22.
The statistics agency said that 71.6 per cent of Bulgarians said that their household income in 2021 was “more or less the same” as in the previous year.
Eurostat said that 17.5 per cent of Bulgarians said that their household income last year decreased in comparison with 2020.
The agency said that in 2021, a total of 84 per cent of the EU population lived in a household whose net income either remained stable (66.5 per cent) or increased (17.5 per cent) compared with 2020.
On the contrary, 16 per cent of the EU population reported a decrease.
The share of the population living in a household with a more or less stable income in 2021 compared with the previous year was above 50 per cent in all the EU countries, ranging from 50.7 per cent in Cyprus to 84 per cent in Italy.
The share of the population that declared an increase in their household income ranged from 4.9 per cent in Italy to 34.8 per cent in Czech Republic, while the share that declared a decrease ranged from 5.4 per cent in Romania to 27.6 per cent in Cyprus.
In 17 of the EU member states, the share of the population that reported an increase in income was higher than the share that reported a decrease.
The difference was more than 10 percentage points (pp) in eight of these member states.
On the other hand, the share of the population that reported a decrease in income was higher than the share that reported an increase in nine EU countries, with the difference being below 10 pp in eight of these member states, Eurostat said.
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