Bulgaria’s Tourism Ministry sees summer 2022 results coming in at 80% of 2019

Bulgaria’s Ministry of Tourism said on August 12 that its expectations are that the 2022 summer season will finish with just more than 80 per cent of the results of the 2019 summer season.

The ministry said that from June 1 to 25 this year, the number of tourist registrations in accommodation exceeded 1.8 million.

The largest number were Bulgarians, more than 990 000, the ministry.

This was followed by tourists from Romania (more than 260 000), Poland (98 000), Germany (70 000), Czech Republic (56 000), the United Kingdom (50 000), Israel (more than 33 000) and Moldova (more than 29 000).

“The war in Ukraine and the rapid increase in the number of Covid-19 cases, as well as the situation at airports in Europe with cancelled flights, have had an unprecedented impact and continue to have a negative effect on the travel industry and transportation worldwide,” the Tourism Ministry said.

It said that because of the combined impact of these negative factors, “it is not completely out of the question that the overall tourism growth for the summer season will be below 10 per cent”.

In spite of these circumstances, growth from many key foreign markets is forecast to be in the double digits, the ministry said.

Markets such as the UK, Israel, Slovakia, Norway and others are expected to report significant growth compared to the summer season of 2021.

For this summer season, better results of scheduled flights at Bulgaria’s Black Sea airports are expected, the ministry said.

The number of scheduled flights remains dynamic due to the influence of various factors, it said.

(Photo: Clive Leviev-Sawyer)

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