Most Bulgarian school pupils are learning English as a second language, Russian runs second

Close to 99 per cent of Bulgarian school pupils are learning a second language, and of these, 87 per cent are studying English, according to figures for the year 2015 released by European Union statistics office Eurostat.

Just more than 83 per cent of school pupils in Bulgaria were learning a single second language, while 16.5 per cent were learning two or more, Eurostat said.

While English was by far the most common choice of second language at schools, Russian came in at a distant second, at just less than 17 per cent.

Across the EU, Russian was the only commonly studied non-EU language, coming in second – apart from in Bulgaria – in the three Baltic States – Lithuania (66.2 per cent), Estonia (63.6 per cent) and Latvia (59.7 per cent).

Learning a foreign language at school is very common in the EU, with more than 17 million lower secondary school pupils (or 98.6 per cent of all pupils at this education level) studying at least one foreign language in 2015.

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(Photo Thiago Felipe Festa/


