Bulgarian state lottery jackpot set to hit five million leva

An estimated five million leva (about 2.56 million euro) are expected to be up for grabs in one of the jackpots of the Bulgarian state lottery by the time of the next draw on June 26.

This is the highest that the jackpot in the second draw of the 6 of 49 game has been since March, but still well short of the record 9.47 million leva in November 2012, when the jackpot was split by two winners.

The other two jackpots also rolled over, but are significantly lower at 1.54 million leva in the 6 of 42 game and 98 000 leva in the first draw of the 6 of 49 game.

The Bulgarian Sports Totalisator was founded in 1957 and is the main sponsor of the Bulgarian Olympic Committee and other sport bodies in the country, which make it the main source of financing for sport in Bulgaria. It falls under the jurisdiction of the Sports Ministry.

It operates a national system for spreading of lottery games (called ‘toto’ in Bulgarian) – the digital games 6/49, 5/35 and 6/42, all with a rising jackpot and twice-a-week draws, on Thursdays and Sundays.

(Bulgarian state lottery ticket office. Photo: Timo Kirkkala/flickr.com)



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