Situation in flooded areas of Bulgaria normalising – reports

The situation in areas of Bulgaria that flooded after torrential days in the past three days was normalising, Bulgarian National Television said on June 1.

The Cherni Lom river, which inundated the village of Aprilovo in the Popovo area, had receded.

Three houses were still not accessible because of huge amounts of silt and mud, the report said. Civil defence teams were to pump water from basements in about 10 flooded houses and public buildings.

The cost of damage has yet to be assessed.

The level of the Yantra River near Veliko Turnovo also had receded. Earlier, floodwaters had threatened the historic 40 Holy Martyrs church in Bulgaria’s ancient capital city.

Municipal officials are continuing to monitor critical areas around reservoirs in the region.

Separate reports said that the situation in the town of Gabrovo also was normalising, but there had been serious damage to road infrastructure in the area.

(Archive photo of Aprilovo: Pl Subev)



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