Film review: Neighbors

Neighbors is a Seth Rogen comedy, which means he doesn’t stop talking, his character’s sexuality is in a gray zone, and he shows his chest — one of the things on display in James Franco’s most recent artwork.

Rogen plays Mac Radner, a young father who lives with his wife, Kelly (Rose Byrne), in a nice leafy suburb. The house next door is for sale, and Mac and Kelly get very excited about the potential for progressive exoticism when they see a gay couple with a baby inspecting the premises. But fate has a different kind of exoticism planned for them. Before they know it, a truck full of students pulls up in front of the house: It is now the Delta Psi Beta fraternity, and the Radners should expect to get little to no sleep for the foreseeable future.

They try to play it cool, going over to make friends with the enemy, as it were, by offering them some choice weed and attending their first party, but soon they realize they are not in college anymore, so they call the police and have the party shut down. And that is the shot heard round the neighborhood: The school children, and especially the leader of the pack, Teddy (Zac Efron), see this act as a declaration of war, and they are all too willing to fire back.

To read the full review, visit The Prague Post. Neighbors is currently on wide release in Bulgaria.

(Still of Rose Byrne, Seth Rogen and Zac Efron in Neighbors. Photo by Glen Wilson – © Universal Pictures.)

