Tattooed artist launches a bid for Czech presidency

In 2013, Czechs will choose their first directly elected president in light of a new law that does away with the previous system of a Parliament-elected head of state. While many view the new law as a crucial step past the nepotism and behind-the-scenes dealings that tarnished the last election in 2008, others say it will discredit the institution by giving rise to populist currents.

Among those rushing to submit the required list of 50,000 citizen signatures by the end-of-year nomination deadline is renowned painter, composer and dramatist Vladimír Franz, who, aside from his prolific art, is known in local media for the tattoos that reportedly cover every inch of his body. A graduate of the Charles University Law Faculty, Franz announced his candidacy last month at the behest of several thousand Facebook supporters, capturing the attention of young intellectuals and media alike.

With his current following of more than 17 000, Franz spoke to The Prague Post about his move from art to politics, the decay of local political culture and why he does not consider himself an eccentric.

Read the full story at The Prague Post

(Photo by Walter Novak via The Prague Post)

