Average rainfall in Bulgaria in autumn 2024 among lowest in past four years

Autumn 2024 in Bulgaria was cooler than autumn 2023 and 2022, but the average rainfall was one of the lowest in the past four years, the national meteorological bureau said in a snap analysis of the season.

The reference to autumn is to meteorological autumn, the three-month calendar period from September 1 to November 30, while astronomical autumn began with the autumnal equinox on September 22 and continues until the winter solstice on December 21.

The meteorological bureau said that the average seasonal temperature was above the climatic norm.

Average daily temperatures were above normal for most of September and October, as well as in early November, while it was relatively cold around mid-October and most of November.

The highest measured temperature was 37 degrees Celsius (°C) in the town of Dulgopol, Varna district, on September 3 and in the town of Radnevo, Stara Zagora district, on September 4.

The lowest minimum temperature at a weather station in a settlement was minus 9.3 °C on November 8 in Samokov.

September and October 2024 were cooler than September and October 2023, and November 2024 was Bulgaria’s coldest November since 2012, the meteorological bureau said.

Rainfall in most of the country during the season was below or around the climatic norm.

From mid-October to mid-November there was almost a month-long period of no precipitation.

September and October 2024 saw more rain than September and October 2023, but October 2024 was one of the driest October months in Bulgaria in the 21st century.

November 2024 had less rain than November 2023, but with more precipitation than the very dry November months of 2021 and 2020.

Because of the lack of rain in the second half of October and the high temperatures, the manifestations of the agrometeorological drought at the end of the month became even more serious.

During the three months, the water levels of the rivers in the country were below the respective monthly norms, the bureau said.

(Photo: Jorge Franganillo, via Wikimedia Commons)

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